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From New England to Key West, from the Atlantic to the Great Plains, there are bills before state legislatures that would expand retirement plan coverage for public school teachers and personnel.  Rhode Island  Rep. Patricia Serpa (D-West Warwick) on Jan. 5 introduced HB 7026, a measure that... READ MORE
With several references made to the movie Groundhog Day, witnesses testifying at a House subcommittee hearing to examine the DOL’s proposed investment advice fiduciary rule suggested the proposal goes beyond its legal authority and called on Congress to act before the guidance ends up in litigation... READ MORE
The Department of Labor (DOL) announced a final rule on Jan. 9 that it says will help employers and workers better understand when a worker qualifies as an employee and when they may be considered independent contractors. It will take effect on March 11, 2024. The rule provides guidance under the... READ MORE
The IRS has updated the instructions for Form 8606, which is used to report contributions and distributions, as well as conversions, from IRAs—including Roths.  Form 8606, Nondeductible IRAs, is used to report:  Nondeductible contributions to traditional IRAs;  Distributions from traditional,... READ MORE
As we transition from 2023 to 2024, it is easy to look ahead and plan and prepare for the future, especially with things like an amazing NTSA Summit in sunny San Diego in February, as well as navigating the implementation of SECURE 2.0, more retirement legislation on the horizon, the ins and outs... READ MORE
A new study finds that two-thirds of people are confident they will be able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle in retirement, writes Ted Godbout in MarketBeat. He continues that diving deeper into the data shows that sentiment varies dramatically across demographic segments. READ MORE
Tech Talk addresses how the deadline for the timely adoption of an amendment for a pre-approved plan that is not a governmental plan is determined. READ MORE
The most powerful force in the Universe is compound interest. - Albert Einstein In 1984, the Portland Trailblazers selected Sam Bowie over Michael Jordan as their draft pick—and as the saying goes, the rest is history. Although Sam Bowie was a terrific 7’3” center, his name has long been forgotten... READ MORE
In our comment letter submitted to the Department of Labor (DOL) on Jan. 2, 2024, the American Retirement Association (ARA) expressed support for—yet specific issues with— the department’s proposed definition of “fiduciary investment advice” and amendments to PTE 2020-02.​ The rulemaking package,... READ MORE
Required minimum distributions (RMDs) are more than regulatory requirements—they affect real people. In its latest issue of Employee Plans News, the IRS provides a refresher concerning the application of the RMD rules regarding plan beneficiaries.  Spousal Beneficiaries  Spousal beneficiaries... READ MORE
