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Allison Wielobob

In our comment letter submitted to the Department of Labor (DOL) on Jan. 2, 2024, the American Retirement Association (ARA) expressed support for—yet specific issues with— the department’s proposed definition of “fiduciary investment advice” and amendments to PTE 2020-02.​ The rulemaking package,... READ MORE
Until recently, the federal law governing most private retirement was seldom a subject of national headlines—let alone the subject of an Instagram reel by the Speaker of the House.    But Speaker Kevin McCarthy and others have proclaimed that it now allows investment managers for many workplace... READ MORE
Just when you thought the rules around COVID-19 distributions couldn’t get any more complicated… For many households, “COVID-19 distributions” from qualified plans and IRAs may be a welcome backstop against financial challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic. The general rule is that a COVID-19... READ MORE
The Silver State managed to overlook the long history of ERISA preemption in its recent draft fiduciary regulations. Once again, the American Retirement Association has brought this to their attention. The comments came in response to draft regulations issue in mid-January by Nevada’s Office of... READ MORE