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What’s Cooking for the Next Fireside Chat?

They say that the third time’s a charm—and our third Fireside Chat is sure to be!

Join us today (April 22) at 5:30 p.m. ET where we’ll (that’ll be all of you and me, Nevin Adams) catch up with Bonnie Treichel, and get the inside scoop on one of the hottest trends around—ESG—and an exciting new education program.    

At least that’s where it will start—with fireside chats, you never know where we’ll wind up… so, come hang out, pull up a comfy chair, chime in, and (re)connect with your fellow association members… ASPPA, ASEA, NAPA, NTSA, or PSCA—come hang out and get a snug place close to the “fire”—sign up at

I’ll be your host—but you won’t want to miss the banter in the chat room!

Oh—and if you’d like to beat the crowd in the chat room, you can pose your question at

p.s.: No ferns will be harmed during the filming of this fireside chat…