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Goedtke, Harriett Named 2022 Elite Advisors

Carla-Ann Goedtke and Virginia Harriett were recognized as the 2022 NTSA Elite Advisors at a Feb. 7 luncheon meeting at the 2022 NTSA Summit in Phoenix, AZ. 

Goedtke, of Investors Choice Financial Services, serves 1,500 participants in 30 school districts and has $218 million in retirement assets under management. For 25 years, she has served the retirement market in Slayton, MN. She also believes in investing in the future of the industry. And she serves as the private sector representative for Murray County on the Southwest Minnesota Workforce Council and is its Vice Chair. 2021-2022 Elite Advisor Chair Michael Pollakowski characterized Goedtke’s accomplishments as “remarkable.” 

Virginia Harriett, of Harriet Financial Group, serves 1,700 plan participants in 10 school districts and has $287,700,000 in retirement assets under management. Constant industry engagement has defined her career, and she says that she has been a lifetime student of improving the client experience and has joined networking groups and has worked on information sharing as well. “She’s been an incredible producer for many years,” said Pollakowski. “It’s not a job,” she remarked to attendees, adding, “You know that.” 

Established in 2014, the NTSA Elite Advisor Award recognizes the contributions of advisors who, by their actions and example, have advanced best practice standards in the 403(b) and/or 457 retirement industry—and, in so doing, have improved the ability of American workers to build a successful retirement.

Additional information about the Elite Advisor Award is available here.

Photos: LinkedIn