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Business Growth Strategies

If you’re like me, when I hear the word “networking,” I get a little nervous. It brings up visions of women frantically sticking their business cards in my face and giving me their elevator pitches at some organized luncheon. I prefer the terms, “connecting and collaborating”, because that is what... READ MORE
Our business as retirement planning professionals has a certain ebb and flow to it. Calm turns to chaos and back to calm again. We experience the euphoria of new highs and a strong economy, and then a storm that brings us economic darkness and negativity. There is a cyclicality to what we do and... READ MORE
You know your clients – but how well do you know yourself?   As leaders and as women, we all strive to improve, and, like many of you, I have spent considerable time on self-awareness during my career in financial services. Along the way, I’ve been challenged to understand and define my leadership... READ MORE
Over the past few years, the financial advisory profession has seen an emergence of a new class of clientele. This client is hard to describe, in that the client is neither fully working, nor fully retired. This client might be using some, but not all, of their retirement earnings. They are pre-... READ MORE
In our business, there are tremendous ups and downs. It’s easy to be happy in your work environment when things are going well — when you’re closing business and clients are saying yes. However, it’s challenging to maintain a positive outlook when things don’t go according to plan. To help get... READ MORE
In order to serve a client effectively — and fulfill fiduciary duties, BTW — a fiduciary of course must know their client. And one also must pursue the client’s best interest. But it’s possible that those goals may not always be congruent; in fact, they may even be mutually exclusive. In MarketBeat... READ MORE
Retirement plans — and the opportunity to serve them and their participants and beneficiaries — are not limited to pensions, 401(k)s and 403(b)s. They also entail 457(b) plans — a market that offers fresh opportunity. And it’s a sizable opportunity, NTSA Executive Director Brent Neese observed at... READ MORE
Clients’ expectations have changed. And that is in part explained, and fueled by, technology. In a Jan. 29 session of the NTSA 30th Anniversary Summit in Tampa, FL, Lincoln Investment Vice President of Branch Development Tom Lakatos offered his insights on this development. Lakatos was definitive... READ MORE
Why attend the 30th Anniversary NTSA Summit? It’s the highlight of my professional year! This is because of the following: NETWORKING with the best of the best, the role model Elite Advisors MENTORING new attendees, who are bringing fresh ideas APPRECIATING stories of tradition with business... READ MORE
As practices grow, the time and distance between clients and their service providers can grow as well. Technology can help bridge those gaps, Bill Fisher writes in MarketBeat, discussing ideas for doing just that. READ MORE
What do you do if things have changed a great deal since you entered the financial services industry? In MarketBeat, Brad Corbin argues that one way to adapt to the changing world of the 403(b) is to take control of it by careful business planning and disciplined implementation, and outlines a four... READ MORE
Suppose you’re a young advisor looking for any way to build my business — or a not-so-young advisor who wants to do the same thing. In MarketBeat, George Webber argues that seminar presentations are a great way to market your services and offers tips for using them. READ MORE
In MarketBeat, Bill Fisher, Chairman of the NTSA Professional Education Committee sat down with Jerry Miletics of AXA Advisors, LLC to talk about advocacy and practice development. The result illustrates how they are connected, and how it really is all about relationships. READ MORE
The differences between the Non-ERISA and ERISA 403(b) worlds are also found in the expectations and structure related to the servicing of 403(b) plans, writes Bill Fisher. In MarketBeat, he provides a primer for those interested in moving into the ERISA 403(b) marketplace. READ MORE
Think you’re dealing with a stressful environment? It could be worse. Astronaut Fred Haise knows something about stressful situations, based on his experience on Apollo 13. Haise was slated to become the sixth human to walk on the Moon before circumstances interrupted that mission and created a... READ MORE
Why take time away from your office to participate in the NTSA Summit? There are a lot of good reasons — here are three.It’s hard to find a good time to be out of the office — but if you’re a 403(b) or 457 retirement plan professional, your participation at the NTSA Summit can pay off in amazing... READ MORE
Is it possible to increase financial literacy, employee participation in retirement plans and employer action to boost options available to employees all at once? A network in Arizona has found a way to do just that. The Arizona 403(b) Professionals, a group of which NTSA President-Elect Adam... READ MORE
Roughly three-quarters (74%) of those surveyed said they’d feel very or extremely confident making 401(k) decisions with the help of a financial professional. Left to their own devices, only 44% would feel that same level of confidence. And yet, only 10% of participants surveyed are currently... READ MORE
Retirement expectations vary by age and income — but not as much as you might think.Lower-income workers plan to retire a bit later, on average, than those earning $75,000 or more annually. Specifically, those making less than $30,000 annually anticipate retiring at age 70, while those earning... READ MORE
Recent research about the development of annuity products and certain life insurance products used for retirement purposes provided food for thought at a May 6 session of LIMRA’s 2016 Retirement Industry conference. Elaine Tumicki, Corporate Vice President, Insurance Research – Product, LIMRA, and... READ MORE
