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403b Plans

Is it true that the use of after-tax contributions can allow participants to contribute substantially more than the 402(g) limit of $18,000, and that such contributions can be immediately rolled over to a Roth IRA or to a Roth 403(b)? In MarketBeat, David Blask tells us and provides the basics... READ MORE
With the advent of a new year, a compliance calendar will be a handy tool for making sure that a plan follows all the rules and regulations. In MarketBeat, Diane D. Capone provides a 403(b) plan compliance calendar for 2016. READ MORE
Ten-year averaging applies to some distributions from qualified plans. But does it apply to 403(b) plans? In Tech Talk, Ellie Lowder tells us. READ MORE
Smaller plans are frequently resource- and expertise-constrained when it comes to their workplace retirement plans, but a new survey indicates that they are less likely to do the things they should be doing — and less likely to get help from advisors to do them. The survey, conducted among over... READ MORE
Employers are required to provide meaningful opportunity to employees to participate in their 403(b) plans or make contribution changes — and that includes low-income employees. In MarketBeat, Ellie Lowder discusses how the saver’s tax credit can help make it possible for those employees to... READ MORE
Suppose you have a client who contributes to a 403(b) and 457(b) and is over age 70½. Can he contribute to a Roth IRA? In Tech Talk, Ellie Lowder tells us. READ MORE
It’s the time of year when Santa — and those who work with 403(b) plans — are making their end-of-year lists — and checking them twice.To that end, the lawyers at Snell & Wilmer have prepared the following end-of-year “to do” list for 403(b) plans. Adopt Design Changes by the End of the Plan... READ MORE
Keeping a finger on the pulse of how well a 403(b) plan is fulfilling the requirement that it provide effective opportunity to participate in the plan is one way to take stock of how well the plan is adhering to universal availability — and in the process avoiding not only errors but also the... READ MORE
Can a public school district exclude employees who work 30 or less hours per week from participation in their 457(b) plan, or is it forbidden to do so as it would be if the plan was a 403(b)? In Tech Talk, Ellie Lowder tells us. READ MORE
The Department of Labor (DOL), IRS and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) on Dec. 3 released advance copies of the Form 5500 Series to be used for 2015 reporting.Filings on 2015 forms can be submitted to EFAST2, the electronic system by which the Form 5500 is submitted, through approved... READ MORE
Legislation that would amend the rules for church plans and 403(b)s in a variety of ways is now before both chambers of Congress. Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-Ohio) introduced the House version of The Church Plan Clarification Act of 2015, H.R. 4085, and Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) introduced the Senate version... READ MORE
If you work with both 403(b) and 457(b) plans, it’s important to learn the key differences between 403(b) and 457(b) plans. In MarketBeat, Linda Segal Blinn offers a discussion of how they differ in several key respects. READ MORE
Disability is among the reasons premature may be allowed from most retirement plans, including 403(b) plans and IRAs, without penalty. In MarketBeat, David Blask answers questions that can arise concerning such distributions and examines how the definition of disability is in play. READ MORE
Is it possible for a key employee of a public school district who retired but had not established a 403(b) account to establish one after he left the job? In Tech Talk, Ellie Lowder tells us if he can. READ MORE
Is it possible for a key employee of a public school district who retired but had not established a 403(b) account to establish one after he left the job? In Tech Talk, Ellie Lowder tells us if he can. READ MORE
Collective investment trusts (CITs) have seemingly become all the rage in plan investment circles, and for some very good reasons. But what of a 403(b) plan purchasing collective trust interests? In MarketBeat, Robert Toth argues that there is trouble in the details and identifies two issues that... READ MORE
For purposes of calculating the 403(b) 15 year catch-up contribution opportunity, does one include all previous 403(b) and 457(b) contributions made with the employer, or just the previous 403(b) contribution? In Tech Talk, Ellie Lowder tell us. READ MORE
There’s not much time left in 2015, and that applies to more than just the calendar. It also applies to certain required minimum distributions (RMDs). The IRS issued a reminder in IR-2015-122 on Oct. 29 that those born before July 1, 1945 generally must receive payments from their IRAs by Dec. 31.... READ MORE
Did you know that some states currently sponsor 403(b) plans? In MarketBeat, Michael Webb takes a closer look at such often-overlooked plans and their impacts on the advisor community. READ MORE
Does an employer that offers a 403(b) non-ERISA plan have the legal and fiduciary responsibility to address investment fees, investment performance, etc. as it would if it were an ERISA plan? In Tech Talk, Ellie Lowder tells us. READ MORE
