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Business Insights: Coping With Clients During COVID

I am in the non-mask wearing, still hugging, praying for an end to COVID-life camp. Some of my clients join me in this sentiment, others don’t. To my dismay, hugs and handshakes were quickly replaced with fist and elbow bumps. Despite some of the shutdowns, I still came to my office each day determined to make the best of this upside-down, hopefully temporary, situation. And here we are now with concerns of this pandemic lasting a while longer. Patience is a virtue….

Since March, my doors remained open to clients who were brave enough to enter my sanitized, germ-free office. Like many others, I was concerned about my business suffering during this time, but was rather surprised at how efficient and connected I could be using the good old telephone and computer. Instead of traveling to see clients, I made calls to clients to check-in and ask if they had questions about their accounts or investments. Expecting to have conversations about market decline and turmoil, my clients seemed legitimately pleased that I was taking the time to reach out to them. Understanding that face-to-face meetings weren’t possible, many were amenable to doing business through their computers or regular mail. Reviewing my trade blotter over the last five months surprisingly shows there was more business written than normal. My assistant was laid off during this timeframe as I wasn’t sure what workload I would have for her. She will be starting back with me next month… Medicare season will be starting soon and I will need her help for sure. 

Admittedly, the COVID virus lightened my load and took some responsibilities off my plate regarding my personal and volunteer life. I enjoyed the comfort of sitting in my home or office on a Zoom meeting, not spending time and money to drive somewhere. It allowed me to enjoy some leisure activities with my fiancé and family like biking and boating. If I had to get used to this “new normal,” I now know I could make it work and survive.

Just remember… staying six feet apart is better than being six feet under.

Jill Snyder is a registered representative with National Insurance Services. She is a 2014 Elite Advisor. 

Editor’s Note: This piece is part of the Business Insights Series in which NTSA Elite Advisors offer ideas and insights intended to offer members support and provide information concerning business opportunities. 
Opinions expressed are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of NTSA or its members.

About the Elite Advisor Award 

The NTSA Elite Advisor Awards focus on NTSA financial advisors' innovative, unique, profound and successful best practices for advocacy, leadership, practice management and legacy. More information about the Elite Advisor Awards is available here

WOWcasts Available 

Jill Snyder was featured in the 9th WOWcast Series. They can be heard here, here and here