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Census Bureau Releases 2015 Data on State and Local Pensions

The U.S. Census Bureau has issued data on revenues, expenditures, cash and investments, and membership data by state and local government for the period July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015.

“Survey of Public Pensions: State- and Locally-Administered Defined Benefit Data” provides revenues, expenditures, financial assets, and membership information for public pensions. Data are shown for individual pension funds and systems as well as systems at the national, state and local levels. There were 299 state-administered funds and 6,000 locally administered public pension systems, all of which are covered by the survey.

The survey covers pension systems that meet two criteria:

1. sponsored by a recognized unit of government as defined by the Census Bureau; and
2. membership comprised of public employees compensated with public funds.

In addition to state governments, the following local governments are covered: county, municipal, township, school district and special district. Each pension system is considered an agency of one of these larger government units, but the information in this publication reflects only the retirement system portion of revenues, expenditures and assets.

Highlights of the data in the report include:

Total Contributions
State: $140.8 billion
Local: $39.4 billion

Government Contributions
State: $100.5 billion
Local: $31.1 billion

Employee Contributions
State: $40.2 billion
Local: $8.2 billion

Earnings on Investments
State: $128.4 billion
Local: $40.3 billion

State: $217.7 billion
Local: $48.4 billion

State: $4.9 billion
Local: $$1.1 billion

State: 18.2 billion
Local: 2.2 billion

Information from the survey is used by Congress, federal agencies, state and local governments, educational and research organizations, and the public.