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A New Year for NTSA

Greetings and Happy New Year NTSA members, strategic partners and sponsors! I hope your holidays were filled with family, friends, joy and well-earned rest.

As we turn the page on the calendar, new challenges and opportunities await us in 2021. Just like 2020, continuing to thoughtfully and confidently move forward will bring success.

Over the past 25 years of my career working with 403(b) and 457 plans, lots of change has occurred. However, it is my belief that the next five years will bring more change than we’ve seen during the past 25. If we continue to fight for what we believe and adapt to the ever-changing needs and preferences of the American retirement savers we support, we’ll find ourselves as beneficiaries of change.

The coming months will have us focused on many of the things on which NTSA, under Brent Neese’s leadership, focused in 2020—including advocating for choice, supporting high-quality education programs and supporting an inclusive culture of membership growth. 

As the new executive director of NTSA, it is my goal to spend the first 60 days of 2021 reaching out to many of you to discuss your thoughts on our current progress, future direction, and specifically how NTSA can help you as you serve your customers and grow your business. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have thoughts to share.

2021 is here, and business will begin to accelerate in the coming weeks. Let’s get to work!

Mark Luckinbill is Executive Director of the NTSA.