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MarketBeat in Focus

One of the two enduring features of the NTSA Advisor is MarketBeat, which appears weekly and offers analysis of a matter relevant to, and important to, NTSA members and those whom they serve. 

In fact, MarketBeat pre-dates the Advisor, having been made available to members in other forms before the Advisor was launched in 2014. And MarketBeat has appeared every single week that the NTSA Advisor has been in existence (although truth be told, with the exception of the week of the NTSA Summit, which is devoted to summit coverage). 

After eight years plus of MarketBeat, 51 weeks a year, there is a wealth of material in that archive. The content is available in the Industry Intel section of the NTSA website here, and is organized by fairly broad subject categories. Content in each category appears chronologically; that is, they appear in the order in which they were posted—the oldest is the first one that appears, and so on. 

To highlight what is available in this archive—and more important, content that may be helpful in running a practice and serving clients and plan participants and those who depend on them—we will be providing an occasional series focusing on the content available in the MarketBeat archive, by subject category.