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The Best and Worst of ERISA

In this, the year of the 40th anniversary of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act’s (ERISA) signing into law, many have weighed in on the best — and worst — of that law (and its progeny).

But as 2014 draws to a close, we wanted to give YOU an opportunity to weigh in via our exclusive online polling tool.

You’ll be given two options from which to choose; pick one, or add one of your own choosing to the poll. Can’t decide between the lesser of two evils (or goods?) There’s an option for that as well. Then you’ll get two more to vote on, and so on. Vote as often as you’d like — and you can also check in and see which ideas are topping the lists.

You can vote on the Best Things About ERISA here.

You can vote for the Worst Things About ERISA here.

We’ll publish the results next week.