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Positive Client Reinforcement

Recently, I was walking some clients to the door and as they were walking away I overheard something special. The woman remarked to her husband, “I always feel better coming in here.” I’ve long wondered what exactly it is that I do during meetings that makes people want to remain clients. I feel like I have simple numbers and simple technology that has largely remained unchanged, and rarely does a meeting last longer than an hour.

But as I thought about her comment, I realized that making clients feel something is something I strive to do on every appointment: Hopeful. Proud. Encouraged. Comfortable. Excited. Relieved.

You get the idea. I try and use phrases like “You guys are doing really good,” “You are going to have a wonderful retirement” and “You should be proud of yourselves on how much you have saved up to this point in your life.”

It’s great to have numbers, spreadsheets and all the greatest software. But guess what? Your clients have access to this largely for free now. What they want is a coach, a motivator and a confidant who helps them deal with their emotions as it relates to their money. And the more you can tap into these feelings the more powerful your relationship will be. They won’t be searching for an app or website because there is nothing more powerful than a human being helping and encouraging another human being.

My challenge to you: at the end of each meeting shut down the computer and close your file. Put your pen down and look them in the eye and tell them one positive thing they are doing, or have done, to put themselves in a great financial position. Tell them how well they are doing and how much a pleasure it is to work with someone so disciplined and who cares so much for their future.

The result: smiles, hugs, loyalty, referrals and a future-proof business.

Josh Decker is a certified financial planner at EFS Advisors.

Opinions expressed are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of NTSA or its members.