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IRS Releases Draft 2016 Form 5500-EZ Instructions

The IRS has made an early release of the draft of the 2016 Form 5500-EZ instructions. They are to be used for providing the information about the 2016 plan year that is to be filed in 2017.

The draft reflects two changes from the 2015 Form 5500-EZ instructions:

1. The IRS has decided not to require plan sponsors to enter the preparer’s information at the bottom of the second page of Form 5500-EZ for the 2016 plan year and plan sponsors should skip these questions when completing the form.

2. The IRS has decided not to require plan sponsors to complete questions on lines 4a through 4d, 13a, 13b, 14 and 15 for the 2016 plan year and plan sponsors.

The IRS provides the draft to inform filers — they are not to be used for filing.